[Android] Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love [Comprehensive Guide Part 4]

After playing the games for few months, all i can say is that Ragnarok Mobile (ROM) is a mobile MMORPG with depth and potential. Though it might be pay to win, but there are several cases of free to play players doing equally well if not better than those P2W players. Key words to do well in this game is perseverance and discipline. "If you farm hard enough, you will eventually get that mino card"....quote from one nobody O.o

Anyway, back to the comprehensive Guide part 4, for this post, i will share about critical game mechanics that you need to have at least a basic knowledge for you to progress far in this game.

Comprehensive Guide Part 4 of 7 

4/7 Game Mechanics

Enhancing, Enchanting, Refining & Upgrading: Sounds confusing? The heck it is. When i first started playing ROM, with background of the original PC Ragnarok, i thought all those "ing" stuff is referring to upgrading or +1, +2 stuff. How wrong am i. As i progress through the ROM content, i get a clearer pic on the game mechanics and get to know the importance of enhancing, enchanting, refining and upgrading your equipment!

  1. Enhancing: I always tell my self this is slot upgrading and to be honest, this mechanic is the least of my favorite. It is expensive AF and the benefits if tiny and unfulfilling X.x Only good about this is that any "slot" enhancing can be carried forward from an equip to another. If you overpaid for enhancing for superior equip when swapping to inferior equip, your Zeny will be refunded to you. Pro tip: Some players treat this feature as Zeny deposit. To prevent you to spend your Zeny recklessly, just enhance all your slots to the max or till you broke. When you really need Zeny, you can always choose to "withdraw" / un-inherit  the enhance and your zeny will be back to your wallet. 
  2. Refining: This is the good old features that we oldies "addicted" to in the classic ragnarok game. "Ding Ding Break, Ding Ding Break" damn.......Perhaps it is a curse or what, i never seems to have  a great luck when doing refining. Personal best is +7 and anything attempt beyond that will result in broken monitors and chairs =.=|| Refining can be done via Hollergrehnn NPC at prontera and it requires Oridecon and Elunium. For now the maximum refining limit is +15. Safe limit is +4 for all equip and any attempt beyond that will either broke or downgrade (+8 down to +7) your equip. There is a safe refine feature but i would only recommend using it after +8 because it is very costly. Oh ya, for +11 refining and up, you need enriched oridecon or enriched elunium (can be obtained by combining 5 ori/elu). 
  3. Enchanting: As discussed previously in the Zeny making guide, this feature is my favorite as it is akin to hitting a jackpot if you obtained a good enchanment. Enchanting can be done via Cat NPC in Geffen and requires a combination of Zeny and Mora Coins. Pro tip: Just collect Mora coins (friendship proof is easily obtainable and can be traded to Mora coins at 10:1 ratio) as much as possible and try your luck. Buy a slotted accessories and enchant it until you get the 4th Line enchantment. A good enchantment like Lvl 4 20% Crit damage on slotted  brooch will easily net you 10 Mil and up. 
  4. Upgrading: This mechanic is one of my favorite as the reward for upgrading far exceed enhancing and refining. Upgrading can be done by simply clicking the red arrow in your equipment details window and it will show materials required for upgrading. The purchasing of the materials can be done automatically using the "Quick Buy" button (if you got the moolah). Most of the equipment can be upgraded to High tiers (Tier I, II, III, IV & End Tier) and it is highly recommended that you focus on equipment upgrading first. 

Mentor & Mentee: The Mentor and Mentee (student) mechanic is very useful in ROM to promote social aspect of the game. As such, outstanding rewards and perks are given for player being mentor and mentee. Several obvious benefits are additional 120 stamina per day for Mentor and 170% Bonus Exp rate and +20 stats buff for Mentee (student). Throw in several free Gold Medals are definitely cherries to the top of the ice-cream.

Mentor should encourage students to complete daily quest, rifts and training ground as well as running endless tower together to get Mentor Medals. Mentor medals can be used to purchase Mora Coins!, Guild's gift and many others good stuff. Pro tip: Recruit 3 students by whoring at Prontera South Gate and work them to their bones =p, I got around 10k mentor medals as collection ^.^

Elements: Another important game mechanic for ROM is the elements. All monsters have their own elements and that knowledge can be put to good use if you use to correct element against them. There are 10 elements in ROM namely Wind, Earth, Water, Fire, Neutral, Holy, Shadow, Ghost, Undead and Poison. The elemental attribute table shows which elements is against/for which elements. For example wind element will deal 200% damage to water element monster (Marina).

You can always check the mob's element using your adventure journal. Open the monsters tab and click on the mob for element details. Do note that you should take photo of the mob to enable see details function.

To convert your attack to elemental attack, you can use elemental converters such as Flame Heart (fire element), Rough Wind (Wind element), Mystic Frozen (Water element) and Great Nature (Earth element). These elemental converters can be obtained either by hunting mobs or directly purchase from the exchange. For ranged characters like archer/hunter, you will need to exchange these elemental converters into elemental arrows at Payon: Sniper NPC. 10 converters for 10,000 arrows.

Priests can use the Aspersio buff to convert attack to Holy element while Assassins can use enchant poison for poison element attack. Apart from dishing out damage, you can protect yourself using elementals as well. To do so, you need slotted armor and certain cards. In reference to the elemental table above, an armor with wind property will only receive 25% damage from wind attack. Here are the list of cards which convert your armor into respective element:

Angeling Card
Argiope Card
Bathory Card
Dokebi Card
Evil Druid Card
Ghosting Card
Pasana Card
Sandman Card
Swordfish Card

Runes:Another critical mechanic which will boost your character prowess significantly. Similar to talent trees in game like Path of Exile, runes give permenent stat boost such as +atk, +def, +hp and also improve you skills efficiency. One good example is Critical Damage +10% for assassins. To unlock the rune system/Aesir Monument, you need to join a guild and be at Level 40 and above. At the guild hall, look for Valkyrie NPC and finish the quests offered. Once you have obtained the monument, you can start to collect contribution points and gold medals to unlock runes inside the monument. Contribution points and gold medals can be collected through guild contribution (very long journey, so start early!!).

Runes path can be reset by clicking the middle shimy rune and click the reset button. Some zeny will be deducted as fees. Do keep in mind that if you have unused contribution/medals and you leave the guild, you will lose half of it!. So utilize them before leaving a guild. Activated runes will not be gone if you leave guild.

Pro tip: Always try to get as much gold medals as early as possible. Because as your level grow, the contribution materials become more expensive. For example, at level 90++ guild contribution might require you to donate Biotite (500k ++ Zeny) or Clock Tower Key (1 mil ++ zeny) to get gold medal.

Pro tip 2: Try to clear out order of supplies to make way for order which offer gold medals as reward. For example (refer pic below), you should clear out Panacea, Hard Skin and Feather from the list as soon as possible before the next order of supplies refresh in 5 hours 35 minutes. With this you can get a chance to get order which have gold medal as reward. Also select a high level guild so that you have longer order of supplies list. Lvl 10 guild will have 8 order of supplies list.

Well guys, that's about it for comprehensive guide on game mechanics for ROM. Do shoot me questions if you have questions in the comments below and i will attend to it asap. Cheers~


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